
Many of you know February is American Heart Month. It is incredible that we dedicate an entire month to educating about heart health, but why stop when March 1st rolls around? The American Heart Association has what seems like an endless supply of resources for you to share with clients, family, and friends throughout the year. We dove into their website to showcase some of the pieces most relevant to our agents, but we encourage you to explore all the available information.


Why Should I Promote Heart Health All Year?

Millions of Americans live with health conditions that affect their heart and cardiovascular system. Simply sharing heart health information has the potential to help anyone from tiny babies to older adults. You may not think you are making a difference by sharing an article or pamphlet, but you never know how that small action could impact a life.  So, the question is really, “Why not?” Why not promote heart health all year? Why not educate my clients about heart-healthy lifestyles? What do I have to lose by implementing what I learn into my own life? When it’s put like that, the answer is quite simple.


Our Favorite American Heart Association Resources


These tools will give you and your clients the basic, but vital, information on a variety of heart conditions. Visit the AHA Conditions Page for comprehensive information on conditions not listed below.

  • Warning Signs of Heart Attack, Stroke & Cardiac Arrest: It’s never bad to know the signs of a life-threatening event. Use this guide to educate on what to look for and when to call 911.
  • High Cholesterol Page: “High cholesterol is one of the major risk factors leading to heart disease, heart attack and stroke.” Use this page to navigate the symptoms, risks, prevention, and treatment for high cholesterol.
  • High Blood Pressure Page: “… this “silent killer” [affects] one out of every three adults over age 20.” Understand symptoms, risks, numbers, and how to make changes for the better with this page.

Healthy Living

A healthy lifestyle is at the top of many peoples’ list. This page has an abundance of resources to help you and your clients make educated decisions regarding general wellness and health, which ultimately benefit the heart.

  • Healthy Eating: A balanced diet is essential to the healthy lifestyle many of us wish to lead. This page features information regarding nutrition, recipes, grocery shopping, and even dining out!
  • Healthy Kids: Establishing healthy habits in children helps them grow strong and sets them up for a healthier future. The AHA has numerous resources dedicated to ending childhood obesity, providing parents with activity ideas for kids, and educating youngsters on the importance of heart health.
  • Quit Smoking: “Smoking is the most important preventable cause of premature death in the United States.” This page helps those who smoke visualize a smoke-free life, provides multiple quitting resources, and teaches ex-smokers how to deal with urges.


As an agent, you know informing caregivers is just as important as educating clients themselves. Family members often end up caring for their older relatives and they, too, need resources and support. While these tools aren’t directly related to heart health, they are still incredibly useful. Help these individuals take care of themselves so they are able to take care of the ones they love.

  • Rights: Caregiver Rights are designed to help caregivers remember that their health and happiness are important too. It can be extremely difficult to balance caring for yourself and another person. Sometimes these individuals need a remind that it’s alright to take time to themselves.
  • Responsibility: Contrary to popular belief, a caregiver’s first responsibility is themselves rather than the person they care for. Caregivers often have increased risk of heart-related conditions. In response, this page gives caregiver tips and provides signs of Caregiver Burnout.
  • Reach Out: It’s important for caregivers to know how to communicate with their loved ones, healthcare professionals, friends, employers, and even other caregivers. Use these resource to help caregivers stay organized, constructive, and patient.


Implementing These Resources All Year

You may be thinking, “Well these are all great resources, but how do I share them with my clients, friends, and family?” No worries. Here are some ideas to get you started. We’re also confident you’ll be coming up with a few of your own in no time!


One of the easiest ways to share online resources is, well, online! Use these methods to share information about staying heart healthy all year long.

  • Facebook Business Page: Once a week, share a link on your business page. This way, followers can like and share your post so others can see it too! You can also easily share links on Twitter.
  • LinkedIn Profile: Sharing articles, especially those that relate to your industry helps you stay more active and educates your connections on LinkedIn!
  • Your Website: Maintain a resources page on your company website to provide clients with easy access to multiple tools.
  • E-Newsletter: Perhaps you have a weekly or quarterly newsletter. Have a section in each issue that addresses heart health and other helpful resources.

In Your Office

  • Printed Newsletter: If you don’t email your newsletter, and even if you do, print them out and have them available in your waiting area.
  • Brochure: Create or print pre-made heart health brochures.
  • Fact Sheets: Whip up or download fact sheets on various conditions. Give each topic it’s own fact sheet and display them or hand them out by request.
  • Information Packets: Create resource packets for clients and caregivers alike!


If you need help creating a social media presence or stocking up on marketing materials, let us know! We specialize in all that and much, much more.
Here’s hoping you find these resources from the American Heart Association helpful and enlightening. We can’t wait to see how you educate those around you!


For questions, contracting, and additional marketing ideas, contact us! (800) 689-2800

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