
Medicare Industry Insider Podcast

Medicare Industry Insider Podcast host photo

For the Agent that must be in the know, the Medicare Industry Insider Podcast discusses critical insights, noteworthy trends, and upcoming issues in the Medicare market.


Trends and Compliance

This is one of the most dramatically shifting years for our industry. Between policy changes, industry trends, and compliance regulations, it’s important to be aware, make applicable changes, and prepare for a big transition. This year could be a once in a lifetime opportunity to increase growth if you are prepared. 

DVH Plans

Many people are used to having DVH plans from their group plans, but are they worth it? We will dive into what Medicare does and does not cover in a DVH plan, costs, and discuss the pros and cons of dental insurance.

2024 Client Experience: Special Edition

This year’s AEP is going to be different than we’ve ever seen before! EVERY client on an agent’s book of business will need a conversation this year—and with 73% of seniors saying their health insurance coverage is the most important financial decision they will make it’s critical that agents are seen as trusted advisors. 

Off Label Drug Use and Medicare Underwriting

We see more and more clients with mile-long drug lists every year. Listen in as Rachel and Chalen discuss off-label drug use in the Medicare space and how to can affect underwriting.

DME Coverage

Listen in as Rachel and Chalen discuss Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Coverage. See how you can keep your clients from getting scammed and give them all the details on what is covered and what they will be paying out of pocket.

Insurance and Mental Health

Mental health has not always been viewed as a medical condition. However, in recent years, it has gained significant recognition and visibility. Listen in to learn how changes in insurance have provided agents with increased resources, networking opportunities, and services that they can offer to clients.

Lifecycle of an MA Plan Design

It takes 18 months to build a Medicare Advantage plan, and carriers are using past data to make future decisions well before plan launches. While there is a lot of science to this process, some of it is still speculatory. If agents know what to look for, they can read the tea leaves of plan design to better prepare their business for the future.


Caregivers Part 2

Insurance and care decisions are often influenced by caregivers. This week, we’re diving back in for part 2 of our discussion on caregivers in the Medicare space. Join us for details on how you can make sure your clients have a plan in place.


NABIP Capitol Conference

It’s important to be a knowledgeable and informed agent and be involved in the rule making process and legislative changes. The National Association of Benefits and Insurance Professionals (NABIP) is a great way to be involved, informed, and make an impactful difference in our healthcare legislation changes. Chalen and Rachel attended the 2024 NABIP Capitol Conference and are excited to share the overall feel, the talking points, and how to get involved.

Becoming An Expert On Chronic Conditions

CMS has 21 classified chronic conditions and some of these may surprise you. Knowing what resources, services, and benefits are available to people with these chronic conditions will position you as an expert in your community.

How to Scale Your Agency as Your Book of Business Grows

What do you do when your sales efforts work and now you have to run a whole business? Join Rachel and Chalen as they discuss how you can scale your agency as your book of business grows.

End of Life Planning

Helping your clients and their families through their most difficult times requires you to be aware of ways to help them make the best of a bad situation. Listen in to hear about insurance and legal decisions you should be making and caregiver resources to help you through the process.

CMS Data Available to You

It’s important to know how to access and use CMS Data to better serve your clients, strategically market, and know what resources are available to them. Listen in to ensure you stand out to your clients based on your knowledge of the industry and how you can help them.

A Christmas Medicarol

Join our special edition “A Christmas Medicarol” episode as we walk you through the past, present, and future of the Medicare Industry!

The Value of an FMO

You don’t want to miss this episode! Listen as Rachel and Chalen discuss how an FMO and agent partnership can build and maintain that agent’s success.

Prospective Payment Models

Each year CMS evaluates and makes changes to the payment models based on services that are provided, but there is always a debate on who deserves cuts and who deserves payments. Join us as we dive into different payment models and discuss what that means.  

Veterans and Medicare

Many veterans can seriously benefit from coverage beyond their earned benefits, while others may have adequate health care access. Listen as we discuss ways to serve this population that can improve outcomes and quality of life. 

Predatory Marketing and Scams

While scams and predatory marketing are now commonplace, they are getting harder to spot for one of the largest targeted groups; seniors. Listen in on how an agent should combat these calls, emails, and other forms of scams to stay competitive, protect their clients, and root out bad actors.

Staying Engaged & Informed

Being an engaged member of the Medicare community will help you create opportunities to be at the right place at the right time. Listen in to learn how to stay involved and informed in the Medicare industry!

2023 Client Experience: Special Edition

Between industry events, allocation of money, and the service of your clients, learn in detail what the clients experience with Medicare so you can better plan for the upcoming AEP.

Technology In Healthcare

Join us as we weigh the pros and cons of technological advancements in the health and medical field.

The Impact of The Inflation Reduction Act

The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 will have a massive impact on energy production, manufacturing, and even prescription drug prices for Medicare beneficiaries. Listen in as Rachel and Chalen go over the details.

Can the Medicare Innovation Center Point Our Lawmakers in the Right Direction?

The Medicare Innovation Center is often the “test kitchen” for the world of healthcare and a catalyst for industry wide change. As an increasingly active Congress takes on urgent healthcare issues outside of Medicare—can the Medicare Innovation Center point us in the right direction?

The Rundown on Telehealth

Telehealth services can offer convenient and speedy services, but are the benefits it promises greater than the risks it presents?

340B Pharmacy Discounting Program: Hurtful or Helpful?

Over the years, the 340B pharmacy discounting program designed to help low income and uninsured individuals has grown to over $40 Billion in annual discounts, and now faces many challenges. Are program hospitals abusing their discounted access to drive profits? Are drug manufacturers and PBMs simply playing hardball? Find out more in this episode. 

What’s Your Cancer Story?

Working within the Medicare population means your clients are at higher risk for cancer and may face challenges when getting the care that is most beneficial for them. It’s important for you to know what services are available to them and what is and is not covered by insurance. Make your cancer story one full of hope and health for those in your life. 


With access to Long Term Care getting harder and more baby boomers aging, more people will find themselves in caregiver roles. Do your clients have a plan for care? 

Pharmacy Benefit Managers

Pharmacy Benefit Managers’ have been under more scrutiny than ever over their role in increasing prescription drug costs. Listen to this week’s episode for insight on whether PBM’s are still providing a necessary and valuable service, or if they have worn out their welcome. 

Rural Hospital: Closures and Access to Care

For the last 10 years we have seen rural hospitals close at an alarming rate. This affects the client’s ability to get routine comprehensive preventative care and critical care when needed. Listen for more details!

Marketing Medicare in 2023

With CMS constantly moving the goalposts on marketing compliance, how can you use this newest set of guidelines to your advantage to remain relevant and in touch with your client base? Let’s discuss tips and trends to get the most out of your marketing efforts!

Can Your Medicare Clients Access Skilled Care?

Join us as we talk about skilled nursing care and the issues of access and affordability that Medicare beneficiaries face. We’ll address the challenges and pitfalls of skilled care and how you can better serve your clients.


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